For more than 40 years, Pennsylvania’s 52 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) have served the Commonwealth’s 67 counties by providing information about resources and service providers, assessing needs for service, making referrals to case managers, and linking to services. These local agencies provide vital services, programs and information to millions of older Pennsylvanians and their caregivers, including legal services, home-delivered meals, health promotion and disease prevention, transportation, public benefits counseling, senior centers and in-home services.

AAAs provide a wide variety of social services and support that make it possible for people to remain in their home and community by providing:
Single point of entry into the “Aging Network” and its comprehensive service system that provides unbiased access to resources and assistance.
Knowledge of federal, state and community resources for consumers and their families.
Assistance to enable older people to remain in their home with dignity and maximum independence.
Development, support and integration of vast reserves of volunteer resources and community dollars.
Information and assistance to link consumers and families to services and supports.
Advocacy and protection for older adults who are at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.